:CP: Sledging Shelf / :CP: Believe Silver Bell
:CP: Town Hall Candle / :CP: Joy Can-dles
:CP: Star Hanging Garland / :CP: Pinecone Hanging Garland
Soy. Pipe table [multi] / Soy. Itoguruma [Spinning wheel]
Soy. Yarn with wooden spool / Soy. Stool [No.728]
:HAIKEI: blue door of Old apartment {SkyBox}
[Kustom9 / Nov15]

junk. animal rug.  [The Liaison Collaborative]

junk. fireside chair. throw. light.  [The Liaison Collaborative]

:HAIKEI: blue door of Old apartment {SkyBox}
Soy. Iringa Basket [square with line]
[Kustom9 / Nov15]

2PM. Bandana beanie / pink [Kustom9 / Nov15]
tram  D206 hair / amber&cork
/// offbeat /// day by day 01 [Kustom9 / Nov15]
Mikunch     Knee & low socks
Wonton: Comme Des Verse / Cream [Kustom9 / Nov15]
xin. murder axe [Xiasumi School Festival/ 3 November 2014 - 30 November 2014]

PILOT - Coffee Mug [Silver Lipstick] / PILOT - Book and Tablet Stack
* Cocoroni : Instant Camera Gacha BabyPink RARE
-ATTIC- Handheld Stalkie Pink
xin. melodica + feel good RARE
Toro. Wallhanging + Lights {Mandala}
:HAIKEI: blue door of Old apartment {SkyBox}
[Kustom9 / Nov15]

junk. cobblers bench. light. / junk. firewood holder.  [The Liaison Collaborative]
xin. weapon bag + RARE / xin. time's up + RARE [Xiasumi School Festival/ 3 November 2014 - 30 November 2014]